Empowering Hackers Across Industries to do Cool Shit.

DistrictCon is a DC hacker con, focusing on hacking together and exchanging ideas over typical talk tracks.

We want to grow the community through action and engagement that focuses on the greater good, while also enlightening policymakers. Topics will range from classic hacking topics (binary exploitation and reverse engineering) to infosec policy and geopolitics.

We’re creating a DC hacker con while keeping it, above all else, a hacker con. 


Above all else, Be Kind.

DistrictCon has no tolerance for hate, harassment, or intimidation of any kind. We are respectful of one another and treat everyone as equals.

Collaborate in Good Faith.

We are here to collaborate with one another in good faith, not to self-promote or sell products or services. DistrictCon is committed to moving beyond “just another cybersecurity conference” by platforming for novel content and taking a new spin on popular topics.

Be Bold.

The original hacker mentality is to try things and fail, to truly understand the problem, and break a system to make it better. DistrictCon encourages its attendees to be brave, try new things, and step out of their comfort zones, even if that means messing things up.

Create Meaningful Connection.

We are a nonpartisan organization committed to hosting hackers of all sorts - builders, breakers, and fixers - and welcome all political orientations, nationalities, and faiths. We want to level up the DC community by creating a place for people to learn skills and thrive.